Ranked the number one agricultural institute in Europe and number two in the world, the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) carries out mission-oriented research for high-quality and healthy foods, competitive and sustainable agriculture and a preserved and valorised environment. INRA research is guided by developments in scientific fields and focuses on worldwide challenges related to food and nutrition, the environment and land use facing the world of agriculture and agronomics today. Challenges such as climate change, human nutrition, competition between food and non-food crops, the exhaustion of fossil resources and appropriate land management put agronomists in a position to generate compatible economic, social and environmental development. INRA produces fundamental knowledge that leads to innovation and know-how for society. INRA lends its expertise to public decision-making.
In this project, INRA works closely together with the EcoleSupérieure Montpellier SupAgro devoting its education and research activities to the agri-food domain. The Joint Research Centre IATE of INRA, SupAgro, CIRAD and the University Montpellier 2 is representing INRA in this project. IATE is focused on agropolymers and emerging technologies; one of its main research programs is on transformation of cereals for food applications.