University of Warmia and Mazury

Faculty of Environmental Sciences has full academic rights, i.e. possesses authorizations to grant scientific Ph.D. degree in the field of fisheries, and carries out post-doctoral dissertations (Associate Professor) in the field of fisheries. Scientific activities of 3 from 7 existing Departments in the Faculty are related to fisheries and aquaculture. Department of Fish Biology and Pisciculture (DFBP) assembles skills of researchers working in many fields of science for studies in numerous biological issues: fish diet and feeding, the age and the growth rate of fish, the utility of fish marking and tagging in population studies, the use of parasites as natural tags of fish. The scientists develop and apply tools of estimating the impact of biological and anthropological factors on fish community and fisheries with special regard to the protected areas. Our researchers are currently working on the assessment of the nutritive value of fishes from various habitats. Part of DFBP staff focus its scientific activity on some aspects of fish production technology, in both intensive and extensive culture systems. DFBP created a new fully equipped laboratory for feed development and fed quality assesment. Department of Ichthyology (DI) focuses its efforts on the development of aquaculture fish health and welfare, proper management of the genetic resources of the fish stocks and development of reproductive biotechnologies Department of Lake and River Fisheries (DLRF) covers areas of fish reproduction and larviculture, fish biology and ecology, fishery management in lakes, rivers and reservoirs, fish welfare evaluation of water natural resources and water recreation.

TRAFOON Successful Open Innovation case:

Dirfis Mushrooms in close collaboration with scientists from the University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart) Germany developed dried mushroom products, naturally-enriched with vitamin D in a sustainable way using a innovative solar drying technology.

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Priority environmental contaminants in seafood: safety assessment, impact and public perception
Priority environmental contaminants in seafood: safety assessment, impact and public perception

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 613912